Claudine Blackwell - Director of Fantasy  Terry Brady - Director of Reality
SIGN: Gemini & Libra 
HOBBIES: exploring and learning



The creative forces behind Clautiere Vineyard are Claudine Blackwell and Terry Brady. Between them they boast a number of diverse positions in their lifetime, such as fashion designer, welder, landscape designer, restaurant owner and as of late, winemaker. Since moving to Paso Robles in July 1999, the couple has, over time, given new life to the 145 acre ranch. Converting the farm house into a vibrant, colorful & energetic tasting room, gift shop and commercial kitchen. The barn has been turned into a theatre with a built in stage and sound system used by bands and entertainers to perform on during parties. The property is decorated with a 230 foot entry fence, metal sculptures and mosaics that were all designed and crafted by Claudine.

Clautiere Vineyard    CLOSED    805-237-3789

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